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Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future"
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
06.11.2008 09:33
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
06.11.2008 09:34
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
06.11.2008 09:35
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
06.11.2008 09:37
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
06.11.2008 09:38
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
06.11.2008 09:53
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
LU rektors prof. Mārcis Auziņš.
06.11.2008 09:54
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Kanādas vēstnieks Latvijā Skots Heteringtons (
Scott Heatherington
06.11.2008 10:00
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Kanādas vēstnieks Latvijā Skots Heteringtons (
Scott Heatherington
06.11.2008 10:01
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Eiropas Komisijas pārstāvniecības Latvijā vadītāja Iveta Šulca.
06.11.2008 10:07
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
06.11.2008 10:08
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Sorosa fonda – Latvija izpilddirektors Andris Aukmanis.
06.11.2008 10:13
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Kapilano universitātes Kanādā profesors Eds Lavāls (
Ed Lavalle
06.11.2008 10:15
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Kapilano universitātes Kanādā profesors Eds Lavāls (
Ed Lavalle
06.11.2008 10:18
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Prof. Tatjana Muravska.
06.11.2008 10:23
Konference "Forum for a Comparative Dialogue the Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future".
Prof. Tatjana Muravska.
06.11.2008 10:24
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Latvijas Universitāte
LU Komunikācijas departaments