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Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
No kreisās: Kalvis Torgāns, profesors; Mārtiņš Bičevskis, LR Tieslietu ministrijas valsts sekretārs; Pāvels Gruzinš, LR(..)
25.01.2007 09:57
Augstākās tiesas Senāta Krimināllietu departamenta priekšsēdētājs.
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Priekšplānā no kreisās: Mārtiņš Bičevskis, LR Tieslietu ministrijas valsts sekretārs; Pāvels Gruzinš, LR Augstākās tiesas(..)
25.01.2007 09:57
Senāta Krimināllietu departamenta priekšsēdētājs.
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
No kreisās: Jānis Lazdinš, LU JF asoc. profesors; Kaspars Balodis, LU JF asoc. profesors.
25.01.2007 10:04
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Mārtiņš Bičevskis, LR Tieslietu ministrijas valsts sekretārs.
25.01.2007 10:05
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Mārtiņš Bičevskis, LR Tieslietu ministrijas valsts sekretārs.
25.01.2007 10:06
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Ivars Lācis, LU rektors.
25.01.2007 10:11
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Pāvels Gruzinš, LR Augstākās tiesas Senāta Krimināllietu departamenta priekšsēdētājs.
25.01.2007 10:18
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Pāvels Gruzinš, LR Augstākās tiesas Senāta Krimināllietu departamenta priekšsēdētājs.
25.01.2007 10:18
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
No kreisās: Sanita Osipova, LU JF profesore; Jānis Lazdinš, LU JF asoc. profesors.
25.01.2007 10:26
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
No kreisās: Sanita Osipova, LU JF profesore; Jānis Lazdinš, LU JF asoc. profesors.
25.01.2007 10:29
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Ringolds Balodis, LU JF asoc. profesors.
25.01.2007 10:56
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Kristīne Strada-Rozenberga, LU JF asoc. profesore.
25.01.2007 11:38
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Jānis Rozenfelds, LU JF profesors.
25.01.2007 13:08
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Prof., Dr.iur.
Heinrich Dörner
25.01.2007 13:35
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Prof., Dr.iur.
Helmut Heiss
25.01.2007 14:02
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Konferences dalībnieki.
26.01.2007 13:26
Konference "
The Harmonization of Law in the Baltic Sea Region After the Expansion of the European Union
Konferences dalībnieki.
26.01.2007 13:26
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Latvijas Universitāte
LU Komunikācijas departaments